Stadium Runs are specially curated for seasoned runners and fitness enthusiasts. It’s a track provided for pro runners who are looking at bettering their mileage and timing. Stadium Runs also offer programmes such as Team Relays for Corporates and Running Groups who make this a part of their training and fitness plans, in a way to encourage and motivate their runners. Stadium Runs are fully supported by the Organisers with respect to hydration, refreshments, apparels, finisher medals and certificates.
Organised by NEB Sports, Stadium Runs not only helps aspiring Marathoners progress to become Ultra Runners, but also double up as Qualifiers for International Ultra Races.
20 days prior to the event date, transfer of registration or cancellation will not be accepted.
INR 200/- will be charged for any transfer of registration or credit note.
Change in a category will be accepted only 20 days prior to the event.
Sufficient food and hydration will be provided.
Port-a-loos will be placed at convenient places
Necessary medical support will be provided to all runners through the course of the race.
SOP is designed to ensure maximum care is taken for participants safety. The measures are to be strictly adhered to. Below is a list of recommended procedures:
Body temperature of one & all will be checked by a non-contact thermometer (wrist/forehead) before being allowed to enter the venue.
Participant’s flow should be “Get in, Complete and Exit” the venue, to minimize unnecessary contact with others.
Non participants will be restricted in a specific zone. They will not be allowed to enter the track area at any point. They should wear masks at all time.
Participants will enter the venue wearing the bib and mask. They will stand in the earmarked circle and maintain standard social distancing.
Participants can carry their own sanitizer or use the ones provided at the venue.
Relay Team Aid Stations will have Small Bananas and 2pc biscuit packets. Energy Drink and Water will be provided in paper cups.
12Hr/24Hr Aid Stations will have Small Bananas and 2pc biscuit packets. Energy Drink and Water will be provided in paper cups. Refreshments will be provided in packed disposable box. These have to be disposed in designated area.
All participants will wear masks when not on Track. During Medical check up and Physio masks have to be worn without fail.
Relay Teams will not be allowed to enter the zone of individual 24Hr/12Hr/100Km participants.
Medals will be placed on table at the Finish Line. Participants can pick them before going out of the track area.
Participants who finished earlier will not be allowed to wait for their friends/family at the finish line.
Relay participants will collect the packed refreshment and move out of the venue at the earliest.