Race Regulations
- You are to participate only in the race category for which you had applied and for which your entry has been confirmed. Your entry and running number bib and/or bib tag is not transferable to any other person under any circumstance.
- Runners found to have interchanged their running number bib and/or bib tag with another individual, will be disqualified from the Event and shall not be allowed to apply or participate in the upcoming [2025-26] edition of any of our events across country.
- The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify or exclude any person from the event/competition who gives incorrect personal data/details on the entry form, who has been banned from competition under IAAF jurisdiction, or who is suspected of having taken banned substances. No refund of entry fee will be made.
- No result or certificate will be given to runners who do not start their run at the respective start times of the race categories they have been confirmed in.
- Please note if you tamper with the bib tag in any way or remove/exchange it with another runner, you won't be able to get an official finish time and thereby the official timing certificate recording your finish times. No Chip, No Timing, No Prize Money.
- Participants are not allowed to run with pets, unregistered runners or babies/children who are under aged for the designated category.
- Participants will not be allowed to enter the event venue with gas balloons.
- In order to ensure the re-opening of roads by the mentioned time (Or as decided by the event organisers), the organizers will designate cut off times at specified locations. Runners failing to reach these specific locations within times specified must stick to the footpath in order to complete your race.
- Only those confirmed participants wearing the current Kodagu Monsoon Half Marathon running number bibs will be allowed on the route. Any person found wearing the incorrect bib/no bib will be disqualified and removed by security.
- Further, every runner must wear his/her running number bib on the front of the vest. Any mutilation, fold, alteration or damage to the bib will amount to disqualification of the runner from the Event.
- Organizers reserve the right to stop any participant from participating who is found medically unfit to continue in the opinion of the medical personnel.
- Baggage counters are available. For security reasons, participants are requested to come, as far as possible, without any baggage. It is strongly recommended that you do not leave valuables like mobile phone, camera, jewellery, watch, electronic gadgets, etc. in the bag stored. Organizers are not responsible for any loss of baggage and belongings.
- Participants are requested to co-operate with the police and security personnel deputed at the event venues and on route. Participants/supporters are liable to random checking on race day this is for your own security.
- Photographs taken of runners during any Kodagu Monsoon Half Marathon event organised prior to and on race day can be used for the purpose of promoting the event.